About the dotfox

Hi there,

To start with my blog, I think it would be a good idea to introduce myself. As we are all doing distance studies, which seems a bit impersonal at first sight, it is great to have an image of your fellow students. So here I am J

My name is Shari. I’m 23 years old and come from Luxembourg – the tiny country between France, Belgium and Germany. My whole life I’ve been a very creative person. I love drawing, espacially realistic pencil drawings. Since two years, I’ve also started doing dotwork with black ink. This is also where my pseudonym Dotfox comes from - the dots I make with the pen in combination with my favorite animal. For my paintins, I mostly use geometrical shapes, natural elements, mountains, the moon, sometimes in a combination with the unreal.

Dotwork made by me (2018)

In 2015, I started my studies in graphic design at Cologne Design Academy. Creating corporate identities and designs for my clients has become a big passion. It is always a challenge to combine the other person’s ideas with your own ones. The moment where you get the feedback is always the most exciting. Does he or she like it? Will there be any changes to even improve the design? Which advices can I give the other person, to get the best result?

Since september 2018, I’m working as a journalist and photographer for the luxembourgish online news magazine Moien.lu. By the way, Moien means hello in our language. The company exists since two years and is still under development. I’m excited and happy to contribute to such an interesting and informative platform. Personally, I started to be more informed about what is going on in the whole world. Moreover, I ask more questions and I’ve become a sceptical person, when getting some important information.

Next to this, I could improve my photography skills. In my job, I’m mostly responsible fort he cultural part. Therefore, I meet a lot of artists and musicians, that I have to take pictures of at exhibitions and concerts. A lot of my skills are self-thaught, which was the best way for me to learn in a continuous way and remember the different settings.

A shot from the Parkway Drive Concert, 12/08/2019 at Den Atelier (L)

As a person, I’m a quiet one. I reflect a lot before telling my opinion, but once you know me, I’ll be more open, helpful, ambitious and caring. Next to my passion for the arts, I love nature, animals and music. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!


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