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What is “truth?”

  The term “truth“ actually follows us in our everyday life. I always thought that I'd understand this short word. But have you ever before dealt with the profound and true (seems so awkward in this context) meaning of truth? How can we define it and how can we be sure if something is true? In short, the truth is a permanent fact or reality that is valid and correct for everyone without any time limitation. Too confusing? Here's a simple example: For along time, people believed that the earth was flat. Why isn't that true? Well, more than 2.500 years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato drew his conclusions about the earth's spherical shape, as he observed ships leaving the harbour. First, the hull, then the sails and lastly the top of the mast disappeared. With the help of mathematical calculations and scientific insights, we now have evidence, that the earth is a sphere. Everyone of us has access on the corresponding data, images, videos. As we all live on this planet...

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